Blue Moon

The Great Oriental Eggfly – Hypolimnas bolina jacinta

Hypolimnas bolina is a common butterfly, found across the world (Australasia, Indo-Malay) in woody areas; not surprisingly, they are all over India as well – July to December are best for sighting these bright little garden treats. They belong to the same brush-footed species of butterflies, like the Monarch.

The specimen featured here is a male – with two large white spots with a hint of iridescent blue/violet. Flying low or gliding, or honey-sucking or resting on a leaf – they are a treat to watch. Intensely territorial (specially the males) they can be seen chasing away other species of b-flies. The females with brownish wings and small white spots on its fringes, take great care to ensure that she lays eggs on a plant that doesn’t have ants!

The male great eggfly is so territorial, that they may even fly closer to / charge at larger mammals and even humans – all this in a lifespan of 24 days. Favourite host plants include creeping foxglove (Asystasia gangetica).

Bolina, in Greek mythology was a nymph that falls in love with Apollo, but dies of drowning when she leaves him… whereas the origins of hypolimnas is unknown. The species was identified and described in 1738 by Linnaeus.