Environment Day

It’s a fad nowadays to celebrate various ‘day’s, both national and international. Nevertheless, World Environment Day is special. Started in 1974, the initiative has grown into a world movement, spearheaded by the United Nations. The UN persuades Governments of various countries to mitigate degradation of ecology and work towards sustainable practices.

The subject for 2019 is Air Pollution, and theme chosen is ‘Beat Air Pollution’. This we will look at in subsequent posts. For now, we talk about our environment and sustainable choices that anyone can follow which can create a huge impact, to our only Earth.

This world actually needs a better environment and every citizen needs to act each day.

Just one ‘World Environment Day’ every year – where millions of people send messages, become more aware, feel sad, may be shed a tear, and return to routines next day – isn’t enough! Ecology restoration isn’t limited to planting trees, which of course is a part of the larger cause.

Few sustainable initiatives for all:

1. Stop using single use plastics.

2. Segregate waste at source/home.

3. Compost wet and kitchen waste at home.

4. Grow plants or kitchen garden.

5. Switch to vegetarian food options.

6. Avoid plastic water bottles, paper cups, tissue paper.

7. Recharge groundwater.

8. Collect rainwater and RO-water for common use.

9. Recycle grey water if possible.

10. Use public transport, car-pool.

11. Use clothes and items made of natural fibres.

12. Use fuel efficient vehicles or switch to electric.

13. Instal rooftop Solar power plants.

14. Avoid items made of acrylic materials.

15. Use natural locally available materials for consumption or construction.

16. Plant at least 5 native trees and ensure they grow.

17. Avoid spray-products that contain aerosols, paints and cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals.

18. Avoid carbonated drinks and packaged drinking water.

19. Switch to reusable personal hygiene products.

20. Avoid a/cs, floor carpets, false ceilings, facade glass, vinyl floorings, laminates.

Every decision is a matter of choice; once chosen, it’s easy to follow! Becoming aware is a good start. Action will provide results!

Ecology is the responsibility if all, where each one must be aligned to the same thought and work towards the common goal of a safer environment for our future generations.

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