Earth toDay

AS we speak, billions of people across the Earth are cooling heels at home, practicing own methods of social distancing based on their own understanding of the severity of the Coronavirus pandemic.

This unique situation imposed upon us by the potentially dangerous pathogen, proliferated by human excesses and abuse of nature, its resources and constituents or just stupidity. Now, whether it is man-made or nature’s gift is subject to speculation and various debates are on both scientifically and politically motivated. Whatever be the case, as on date 25+ lakh people are infected, ~7.5 lakh have recovered, and ~1 lakh have died, majority in the most powerful nation, the US followed by Europeans. All this mayhem in a just over 100 days since it was discovered in Wuhan, China, and ~80 days since WHO declared Covid-19 as a pandemic – the coronavirus has spread to every continent, except Antarctica, affecting 211 countries. Each country has reacted differently, few instructed with force, some advised its citizens to keep away from each other.

Social Distancing is the new normal. Covering up and practicing hygiene is not even an option any more.

World economy suffers terribly, Countries would lose Trillions, if not Zillions in trying to keep businesses afloat, to ensure people out of jobs are supported in some way, the poor and homeless would get food to eat – while fighting to keep the virus in check. The new Coronavirus isn’t as bad as it is made out to be – with an infection rate of 4k/ml in Spain to XX% and a death rate ranging between 13.3% in Italy to 0.56% in Iceland; common seasonal influenza virus claims 6.5 lakh people worldwide.

The rainbow in this worldwide storm: Nature, undisturbed by human activities and interventions, aided by countries under various stages of lockdown in the past month, is cleaning up, and the environment starts to feels fresh again. Rivers, flowing with urban wastewater for decades and declared dead, are now clean and water is fit to drink! Air pollution is at its lowest, with clear skies. Hopefully, once the virus’ imperious march stops in its tracks, humans will emerge healthy, fit and immune to Covid – and more importantly, very concerned to protect and improve the environment.

Meanwhile, the world is continuing to witness the impact of unsustainable and sometimes dangerous practices – vanishing rainforests and graveled hills, drying up lakes and under groundwater streams, polluted air- water-land, farming, (agri-poultry-aqua), soil degradation and beach erosion, ethnic tribes losing ancestral abodes, hundreds of species staring at extinction, dying bees and butterflies, man-wild conflict, unbridled change of land use, waste generation, unsegregated disposal and landfills, hoarding essentials, excess consumption, plastics manufacture, usage and unethical disposal, burgeoning cities scrambling to feed increasingly migrating labour and what not!

Is Coronavirus the catalyst that our Earth desperately needs, to mitigate centuries of misuse and exploitation, to rejuvenate?

The Arctic Ocean in summer will very likely be ice free before 2050, at least temporally, according to new research. A new study says a megadrought worse than anything known from recorded history is very likely in progress in the western United States and northern Mexico. Himalayan glaciers are melting faster than previously thought,

Actually, it could be worse. Powerful companies, from developed countries, impoverished with weeks of lockdown and Govts with economic inactivity in addition to sustaining their economies will look to rebuild on the rebound and capitalise the increasing demands of markets. Environment conservation and related budgets take a back seat, since in the short term the resources visible at hand are perceived to have improved. The climate could become even more degraded than it was in December 2019.

It will be challenging, as it has been over the years. Now, with the respite provided by Coronavirus, Govts could be influenced with concerted efforts by the society, combined with great political will, the environment can be further improved and clean climate can sustain. We must realise the and take advantage of this unexpected window of opportunity that has been provided to humankind.

On the 50th anniversary of the Earth Day, let us take the pledge to adopt sustainable lifestyle, adopt earth friendly products and practices,

Respect Nature, Plant native trees, Conserve water and energy, Buy local, Stop buying/using plastic, Use public transport or Car pool, Use renewable energy, Reduce dependency on fossil fuels, Build with sustainable materials.

Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Be Positive!

A new dawn for a cleaner greener future!

Photo credits: Blue Marble – courtesy NASA; New Dawn: From own archives. Statistics from internet, text in parts adapted from NASA.